At the Core of What We Do

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At the Core of What We Do

Do you ever think about the future, and not just your own? Sure you do. We all do. We have children to consider, for example, and their kids, and theirs. At what generation does the food chain upon which they depend become compromised or flat-out cease? How about the air they breathe? The water they drink? The land on which they live, work and play? That's personalizing this broad concept of "sustainability" that seems so popular to currently throw around. But bringing close to home the idea of sustaining the wholesome, healthy parts of life we now enjoy for generations to come is necessary. Otherwise we're left with vague references like "protecting the environment" that ring more and more hollow as they're increasingly used by individuals and businesses. At Sweet Additions, "sustainability" is not a marketing term. We use it in our marketing materials, of course, but not because of its marketability. Sustainability is a concept that hits very close to home for literally everyone who works at our company. It's at the core of what we do. "Will this organic sweetener, this manufacturing process, this path in our supply chain help preserve what my kids depend on, and their kids, and theirs? Will this packaging sit in a landfill for eons? Who grows the sugar cane from which we derive our organic raw cane liquid syrup?" No, each of us at Sweet Additions does not literally ask ourselves those very questions when we're working on a new corn syrup replacement or a protein alternative to soy or dairy. But that's indeed the sentiment that drives every last Sweet Additions employee. It's in our DNA. And this concept of sustainability is a litmus test that extends far beyond just our own facility. We demand of our growers and suppliers that they be of a similar mindset. It's simply not enough to bring you our syrups and syrup solids, inverts, evaporated cane juice, oat extract, organic rice protein, reduced sugar items and all the rest without considering where the base ingredients came from, how they got to our facility, and how those small organic family farms and producers run their own operations. Sustainability is why CEO Ken Valdivia founded Sweet Additions. You can read more about his take on the subject here. Sustainability is why Sweet Additions is a member of the Sustainable Food Trade Association. Sustainable products, supply chains and operations are what consumers are increasingly demanding of the foods and products they purchase. And thankfully so. Because future generations depend on it.